
October 24 - December 9 2024  |  Community United Methodist Church

3487 Pennsylvania 130, Irwin, PA, USA

Beginner/Intermediate Yoga classes on Monday nights and Thursday mornings.

This is your chance to quiet your mind and nurture both body and soul in a peaceful atmosphere to restore balance to your day.

Certified Instructor: Trisha Eliason, Wheel of the Year Yoga

$50 for 6-week session.

Walk-ins are welcome. The cost is $10.

Thursday 9:30-10:30 am. Classes begin on October 24th  and will run consecutively for 6 weeks except for Thursday, November 28 which is Thanksgiving.  Last class for this session will end on Thursday, December 5th.

Monday 6-7 pm.  Classes begin on October 28th and will continue for 6 consecutive weeks, except for Monday, December 2 which is the Community Women’s Christmas party at Manor Valley Golf Club (all are invited).  Last class for this session will be on Monday, December 9th.

Plus, a new class, Chair Yoga, Thursday 10:45-11:45 am.

Save your spot by emailing

All classes are held in the Student Ministry area. (Use the church’s front door.)